Sylvain Girard’s scientific page

I lead the “Reliability & Robustness” team at Phimeca Engineering Paris.

We use data science and numerical simulation to help designing, operating and maintaining industrial system safely and efficiently.

My topic of interest include

  • From data and simulation to decision – Modelling creates uncertainty. This is a bad product: people mostly want to get rid of it. We help our partners to shift from the illusion of complete control to robust risk management and efficient decision processes.

  • Embracing complexityComplexity also bears negative connotation. Yet, complex systems have emergent behaviours that go far beyond those of their parts: otherwise we would stick to hammer an nails kind of technologies (sometimes we should). We tackle this by dimension reduction, deep learning, and system scale (a.k.a. 0D/1D multi-physics) modelling.

  • From R&D to something else – Modelling is a tribal activity: a small group share tacit (=hard to transcribe) knowledge of great potential. Good ideas often lead to good R&D. Often, good R&D leads to… good ideas at best. We help partners to widen the innovation spiral and produce concrete outcomes.

  • AI, Animal Intelligence – Especially those of apes, and homo sapiens sapiens in particular (for lack of frequent contact with other species).


  • November 2024 – The 6th Researcher–Engineer Gathering, “Mathematical confluences, took place on 21st November 2022 at IHP. Presentations are available online at: Thank you very much to all speakers and attendants.

  • December 2023 – Actor Network Theory meets Geostatistics?! ADEME funds the POLIVAL project, starting in January 2024. Objective: Optimize decisions for recovering polluted sites and industrial wastelands.

Recent and upcoming talks
