# Sylvain Girard's scientific page I lead the “Reliability & Robustness” team at [Phimeca Engineering Paris](http://phimeca.com/). We use data science and numerical simulation to help designing, operating and maintaining industrial system safely and efficiently. My main research interest are * **Uncertainty modelling**, in particular of spatio-temporal phenomena. Applications include pollution diagnosis and forecast, and health monitoring of industrial systems. * **Dimension reduction** and function approximations. * **System scale modelling** (also known as 0D/1D in some engineering comunities). --- I'm **hiring**! See the two job offers (in french) [here](./joboffer.md) [`[🗎 download pdf] machine learning`](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/CDI_Phimeca_Paris_2024_direct.pdf) and [`[🗎 download pdf] system modelling`](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/CDI_Phimeca_Paris_2024_modelica_direct.pdf) --- ## News * December 2023 -- Actor Network Theory meets Geostatistics?! [ADEME](https://www.ademe.fr/) funds the [POLIVAL](./research/polival.md) project, starting in January 2024. Objective: Optimize decisions for recovering polluted sites and industrial wastelands. * December 2023 -- There is a new item to [Phimeca's “showroom”](https://www.phimeca.com/homepage/showroom/). Have a look at our interactive demo of dimension reduction method [“From Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to Auto-Associative model (AAM)”](https://showroom.phimeca.com/unsupervised_dimension_reduction). Programmed by [Valentin Pibernus](https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentin-pibernus-692527187/). * November 2023 -- The 5th Researcher--Engineer Gathering, “[AI vs Statistics](https://seminaire.phimeca.com/), was held on 16th November 2022 at [IHP](http://ihp.fr/). Thank you very much to the speakers and audience for thought provoking encounters. Get slides at . * October 2023 -- [Francesco Cancelliere](https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-cancelliere/) gave a great talk at the annual [Probabilistic Health Management](https://papers.phmsociety.org/index.php/phmconf/article/view/3506) conference:[“A Grey Box approach for the Prognostic and Health Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries”](https://sylvaingirard.net/talk/pdf/cancelliere23-phm.pdf). I am really honoured to take part into his project, and very happy to see the realization of the idea of battery health monitoring that I kept in mind since my own [modest attempt](https://sylvaingirard.net/talk/pdf/girard18-battery_ageing.pdf). There is a follow up journal paper cooking with additional results and method improvements. [`[🗎 get paper]`](https://sylvaingirard.net/talk/pdf/cancelliere23-phm.pdf) ![](./_static/phm_system.png) * June 2023 -- The paper “[Adaptive probabilistic modeling to support decision-making in the event of accidental atmospheric releases](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/caillat23-adaptive-modeling-decision.pdf)” written by [Maéva Caillat](https://www.linkedin.com/in/maeva-caillat/) and [Valentin Pibernus](https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentin-pibernus-692527187/) was just published in [Atmospheric Environment](https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/atmospheric-environment). They proposed an original spatial modeling approach counteracting loss of significance when estimating small probability of exceedance from small samples. I am very happy to have taken part to this great cross-disciplinary and inter-organisation project with Mathieu Ribatet (École Centrale de Nantes), Patrick Armand (CEA) and Christophe Duchenne (CEA). [`[🗎 get paper]`](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/caillat23-adaptive-modeling-decision.pdf) [![](./_static/graphical_abstract_caillat23.png)](https://showroom.phimeca.com/decision_map) Curious? Have a look at our [interactive demo](https://showroom.phimeca.com/decision_map). ### Recent and upcoming talks * 2024/3/20 -- Round table at the Nuclear Science and Technic Days (JSTN, Journées des sciences et techniques nucléaires) organized by [EAMEA](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/marine/mieux-nous-connaitre/ecoles-formations/lecole-applications-militaires-lenergie-atomique-eamea): “AI & nuclear safety: for a better risk perception”. * 2023/10/26 -- [PHM 2023](https://phm2023.phmsociety.org/) [Francesco Cancelliere](https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-cancelliere/) gave this talk:[“A Grey Box approach for the Prognostic and Health Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries”](https://sylvaingirard.net/talk/pdf/cancelliere23-phm.pdf) [`[🗎 get paper]`](https://sylvaingirard.net/talk/pdf/cancelliere23-phm.pdf). * 2022/10/05 -- [MATHIAS Days 2022](https://ot-mathias-days-2022.events.totalenergies.com/) “*The Living Digital Twin: 3 factors to get beyond the hype*” [`[🗎 get slides]`](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/talk/girard22-mathias22.pdf). * 2022/08/22--2022/09/03 -- International Association for Mathematical Geology 21th annual conference (Nancy), “*Accounting for uncertainties in soil pollution simulation by metamodeling*”, poster presented by Raphaël Périllat. * 2022/06/24 -- *Uncertainty & Industry* ([IMdR](https://www.imdr.eu/818_p_51057/groupes-de-travail-et-de-reflexion.html)) workshop: “Return of experience, knowledge management and modelling” [`[🗎 get slides]`](https://sylvaingirard.net/pdf/talk/girard22-modele_moteur_innovation.pdf). --- ## Content ```{toctree} publication research/index joboffer ```